Case Study: Revolutionizing Accounts Receivable Management for a Leading Media Conglomerate

John Hastings
September 23, 2024
5 min read

Client Overview

A major media conglomerate, operating multiple television networks, digital platforms, and radio stations across the United States, faced significant challenges in managing their accounts receivable processes.

The Challenge

The client's accounts receivable department was struggling with:

  1. High Days Sales Outstanding (DSO), averaging 75 days
  2. Manual, time-consuming processes for invoice generation and tracking
  3. Frequent billing errors leading to disputes and delayed payments
  4. Limited visibility into payment statuses and cash flow projections
  5. Inefficient allocation of staff resources, with a large team dedicated to AR management

The Solution: Audience Platform's AR Automation

The media conglomerate partnered with Audience Platform to implement a comprehensive AR automation solution. Key features included:

  1. Automated invoice generation and distribution
  2. Real-time integration with multiple billing systems
  3. AI-powered cash application and reconciliation
  4. Self-service portal for advertisers to view and pay invoices
  5. Advanced analytics and reporting capabilities

Implementation Process

  1. Initial assessment and customization of the AR automation solution
  2. Integration with existing financial systems and data migration
  3. Staff training and change management support
  4. Phased rollout across different business units
  5. Continuous optimization based on performance metrics and feedback


Within 12 months of full implementation, the media conglomerate experienced significant improvements:
  1. Reduced DSO: From 75 days to 45 days, a 40% improvement
  2. Increased Operational Efficiency: 65% reduction in manual AR tasks
  3. Improved Accuracy: Billing errors reduced by 90%
  4. Enhanced Cash Flow Management: Real-time visibility into AR status and projections
  5. Resource Optimization: AR team reduced by 40%, with staff reallocated to strategic initiatives
  6. Client Satisfaction: 30% increase in advertiser satisfaction scores related to billing and payment processes

Key Benefits

  1. Streamlined Processes: Automation eliminated bottlenecks and reduced processing time
  2. Improved Cash Flow: Faster collections and reduced DSO positively impacted working capital
  3. Enhanced Visibility: Real-time dashboards provided actionable insights for financial planning
  4. Scalability: The solution easily accommodated growth without proportional increase in AR staff
  5. Compliance: Improved audit trails and documentation ensured regulatory compliance

Client Testimonial

"Audience Platform's AR automation solution has transformed our financial operations. We've seen dramatic improvements in efficiency, accuracy, and cash flow. The self-service capabilities have also greatly enhanced our relationships with advertisers. This technology has positioned us for continued growth and success in the competitive media landscape." - Chief Financial Officer


By implementing Audience Platform's AR automation solution, the media conglomerate significantly improved its financial operations, reduced costs, and enhanced advertiser relationships. The success of this implementation demonstrates the transformative power of AR automation in the media industry, setting a new standard for financial management efficiency.

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John Hastings
Product Lead

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